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How to Survive the Holidays on a Paleo Diet

For many of us, temptation will get the better of us this holiday season as Christmas and New Year’s is drawing near. It’s hard not to indulge when you’re going to family dinners or parties several times within the course of a few weeks. So how do you stay on the Paleo-wagon throughout this holiday season? […]

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Paleo Joe Daily Bite

Paleo Joe has been on the paleo diet now for over two years and has spent a lot of time perfecting his diet and deciding the foods that work best for him. Since he began the diet he has lost 20kilos and truly believes that the paleo diet has fantastic health benefits. Paleo Joe found that he not only lost weight but also gained a lot more energy throughout each day and that his anxiety and stress levels decreased.

This is Paleo Joe’s typical daily diet, hopefully it will help demonstrate what a general paleo day looks like. You could use this as a guideline, but remember that this is just that; only a guideline. This is what Paleo Joe eats and what suits him, it might not necessarily work for everyone.


• A short black with a teaspoon of full fat cream milk
• 30 grams of grass fed protein
• A hard boiled egg


• A Salad with leafy greens, vegetables such as avocado, tomato, cucumber, a little bit of lemon and with either chicken, beef or lamb


• Steak with vegetables


• Nuts: Brazilian nuts, climber nuts, seeds
• Fruit: usually one piece a day
And throughout the day, Paleo Joe ensures that he drinks plenty of water.

Extra Paleo Joe eating tips –

• Cook everything with coconut oil!!! Coconut in every form is spectacular! Drink it, eat it and cook   with it because it has nutrients aplenty and is super in every form.
• Nuts are excellent but remember that peanuts are not a paleo food, so avoid peanuts (sorry to all of those peanut butter lovers out there!)
• Salads should definitely become a part of your everyday diet ensuring that you keep them simple and pack them full of fresh vegetables and extra goodies such as avocado or boiled eggs.
• Add berries to your daily diet whenever you can, whether it is a part of your breakfast or a snack.
• Remember that grains and legumes are not a paleo food and you should avoid them altogether.
• On days that Paleo Joe works out he makes sure that he eats Sweet potatoes and protein.
• Remember to always choose to eat grass fed meats; this is essential!


Although this doesn’t sound like a lot of food and you are most likely reading this thinking that you will always be hungry, that is just not the case! Paleo Joe promises that he is full and doesn’t feel hungry throughout his day. Because of all the protein you eat and because you are having small snacks throughout the day, it is very filling. Perhaps this highlights that in today’s society we generally eat more food than we need to and that eating large meals may not really be necessary.
What helps in this matter is ensuring that you eat those 30 grams of protein, preferably in the morning, because it makes you feel full for longer and sets you up for the day. Paleo Joe loves eating boiled eggs for breakfast because they are filling and hold a bucket load of nutrition; they are very good for you and should become a key part of a paleo diet.
Consuming dairy is generally avoided on the Paleo diet and finding other alternatives are encouraged. Paleo Joe does have a little amount of full Fat cream in his coffee, but he only has that one teaspoon in the Morning.

The “Cheat day”

The concept of the cheat day is that you have 1 to 3 cheat meals a week where you choose non-paleo foods to eat. Essentially, the cheat day allows you to lead a regular life without placing too hard restraints on yourself. It puts you on track so that you don’t feel like you’re missing out or alienating yourself from a range of foods.
Paleo Joe does not consider the paleo diet to be a fad diet, instead seeing it as a lifestyle. It is important that you don’t begin paleo with a mindset of a fad diet because you will only set yourself up to fail by eliminating everything that you love. So, to help you stay on track without feeling guilty for ‘cheating’ you are allowed to eat some foods that you love and aren’t ready to eliminate just yet. The cheat meals allow you to think ahead of your week and decide what you’re going to eat and organize yourself correctly. Basically this is a great tool that allows you to lead a regular lifestyle where you can still go out to dinner or not miss out on eating your friend’s birthday cake.

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